Back to Vancouver

Tuesday September 6th

Up at a reasonable time as we have to pack the cars and a ferry or two to catch. Same car set up as before and just as full, I'm sure we should be going back with less.

We're leaving this - Why?

Crofton Terminal

Somebody's seems pleased to be going, having got rid of a daughter

Looking out from Crofton terminal towards the paper mill we wonder why we are heading back to Vancouver Island. Still we go.


We stop for a coffee in a small town half way to Nanimo where I pick up some emergency money, it seems to be depleting faster that I thought.


There's a short wait at Nanimo before boarding so we explore the port shop which had a nice exhibition of paintings. then a calm trip back home. In the clear weather I finally managed to see one of the US mountains we'd tried to visit rising above the smog of Vancouver.

Really short ferry trip

Mount Baker which we failed to see a few days ago with Vancouver in the foreground