Vancouver & Blighty

Friday September 9th

Started our last day with packing and a walk up to the woods and the dam.

The sluice gates were closed today so the dam looked very different to a fortnight ago

This time we went down to the hatchery to learn all about salmon. I'd forgotton everything since last time and as of writing this have forgotten most of it again, which type of salmon to choose for BBQ or eating cold or bagels or brown/white bread they are all different.


Apparently the only rule is don't buy Scottish salmon as Canada does it better!

From the hatchery we walked downstream a little way to Kate's favourite wooden bridge with the view back upstream

Before lunch I then wandered up by myself into Edgemont, the local shopping street, where I managed to find Jude a rather pretty olive dish. I also saw a gorgeous amber and jet necklace, but a a thousand bucks I decided not to buy it (just), I'm sure an olive dish is just as good.

Lunch, slamon again

After lunch we packed the car for the airport and we drove into town, we took two cars as Kate was loaning hers to Riyan so we had to delver it to his apartment in the centre of Vanvouver. We then drove out to the beach on the university headland and our last ice cream.



Our flight wasn't until about 7pm so we still had some time to kill and decided to visit the museum at the university. We discovered that if we waited 10 minutes it would be 4.30pm at which point entry became free so by the time we'd parked up we could just wander in for the last half an hour before closing time.

The museum was full of native american paraphenalia, totem poles, canoes, clothes and sculptures. With only half an hour we had to shoot around fairly quickly but we got to see everything if only a little rushed.


Traditional native art !

By that time we had to head out to the airport through the rush hour but we made it in time to still have a last quick cup of coffee and said our goodbyes.


Business class on the way home again. I tried to get some sleep but even lying down didn't really manage any. I watched Source Code, well all but the last 2 minutes because the captain insisted on freezing play whilst announcing the landing twice because the tech failed the first time, without that failure I would have found out what happened to the hero (I still don't know).

Thankfully Jude was waiting to pick us up at Heathrow, a welcome sight indeed which meant we could relax on the drive home.

Panorama looking back across English Bay towards Vancouver (It's very wide. I mean VERY wide)